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Ainu Ikupasuy

Ainu Ikupasuy

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The Ainu had very few prized personal possessions. For women, this included their sewing needles, while for men this included their knives (makiri) and prayer sticks (ikupasuy). The Ainu relied completely on their ikupasuy to communicate with their gods. Because the Ainu do not pray directly to their gods, the ikupasuy acts as an intermediary between worshipper and the gods. The

See: Ainu, Spirit of A Northern People, Fitzhugh and Dubriel, 1999. P. 327-334

Also: Sternberg, Leo. “The Ainu Problem.” Anthropos, vol. 24, no. 5/6, 1929, pp. 755–799. 

19c. Hokkaido, Japan.

Dimensions: 1.25 x 13.5 inches.

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Ainu Ikupasuy